Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lets start a group for Meditating for Clarity and Love

Greetings. I am interested in meeting with more enlightened people both near and furthest from me. The distance does not weaken the connection. I would love to be contacted by all who receives this message and it inspires them to contact me. Please do not feel shy, rather you are 5 years old or 135 years old elder, your connection is welcome if you intuition aligned you with this message. There are several ideas that I would like to put into motion, one being several simultaneous meditation between the group we are forming. Please all intuitive, unconditionally Loving beings contact me and put Unconditional love it the subject or the message) .

(P.S. I would like to have atleast 5,000 respond, so please tell you friends to if they are awakening and or enlightened)